Monday, December 24, 2018

Season of Giving

Christmas is mos awaited season of the year,  a season of love and giving. Holiday's wonderful gift and cherishing this wonderful and magical moments after a long year run. 
But for some Christmas is the most awaited season of gifts. Some take Christmas for granted, beacause people think about the presents to receive and then brag to everybody whom among recieves thousands of them. Christmas parties, countless parties everywhere a banquet dinner, fancy dresses, gifts, desserts, expensive wines and of course the Christmas bonus also on hand. But after all of these do we really understand the essence of Christmas?

     Christmas: season of giving not giving expensive presents its more than those presents. Christmas is about sharing blessing that we receive but for me present that we should give to everybody is love and gratitude and that's the essence of christmas well, aside from the fact that is is the birthday of our Savior Jesus Christ. 

Everybody loves Christmas but we should love Christmas simple because its Christmas.


Gender equality does not only talks about equilibrium and balance more it talks about rights of everybody. Opportunities are one we all have rights for all those opportunities it just only matter on which opportunity whom we choose at a given moment but these opportunities and chance are not limited to our gender, to the identy of every individual. Chances are for everybody not only a boy nor a girl but also for the new members in our society. Remeber that each one us are human we are all created by God and share the life we breath in. and upon creation we recieve different opportunities on different time and situations. No one should be left behind lets all get along and aim equality to achive the right rights for everyone.

Men and women are born to keep equality. No one is greater among the other and in order to achieve and keep equality is to keep the most treasured gift of their lives, to create and share the love and care, connect with and among people to influence and accepts one's differences. Together will end violence, and in time we would achieve a world created by unity of hearts, far from hatred

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Treasure to be Mold, to Mold

        Living is a timeless gift, passionateq treasure upon breathing on earth. And its most treasured possession of life is to give specs of it. Thats why love and care is bestold to influence and start a new.

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        Children is the future of our society and living them through suffering and pain is a misery that is needed to end. They should be thought with right wisdom and should nourush their worth for they are the key to solve the world's greatest mystery.  Today the youth's population had risen but sadly a large percentage of it is not on good condition. Many is suffering from child abuse which should not be. Yes children are protected by law, but these is not enough. Parents should be the one and the first protector for their childs welfare. Parents takes the responsibility of being a parent and it should not be the other way around. And taking such responsibility comes with the heart.

      Chlidren in our community are the ones who will end the worlds suffering but before they can attain and take their role they should be shape, be molded by love and care for them to mold the world back to its old shape but of course to build new beginning.


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Pagbasa Susi Sa Magandang Kinabukasan

    Basic skill which is needed by everyone. A skill that opens to a greater knowledge and influence one's mental capability.

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 Reading makes a great change on one's life. Its impact on pushing society to achieve greatness. Reading is an important skill upon God creates human race, a skill that will help each of us on reaching the simplest to our aspiring dreams. Through reading we get broaden the knowledge and intelligence and for the fact that these intelligence of everybody is a great help on boosting the quality of living. Impactful isn't it?

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      Well unfortunately, not everybody is given a chance with these magnificent gift. And considering that everybody knows how to read it does not mean that everybody is capable on acquiring good knowledge. Reading is more than just reading itself, it is how we put to life on what we read, understand its thought and apply not just for your self but for the benefit of the whole society.

        Always put in mind that solely reading is not effective it should come with great understanding and sharing of new ideas and wit that we can achieve a fully develop society.


Mapanuring Paggamit ng Gadget: Tungo sa Mapagkalingang Ugnayan ng Pamilya at Kapwa

Mula umaga hanggang gabi hindi parin tinitigilan, hindi parin ito linulubayan maging sa pagtulog wahak hawak parin at hindi na magugulat kung sa paggising at haharap sa salamin bubungad sa iyo ang mugto at nangingitim na mga mata.
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Oo ngat marami ang na ang naitulong nito sa atin na tipong pinakamaliit na bagay na alam naman at kayang gawin ay iaasa mo sa cellphone. Patuloy sa paggamit na tipong hindi na mabubuhay kung hindi hawak at kung mawalan man ng charge kaybilis mong kukuhanin ang charger at di na naman titigil. Sige lang hangat magsawa ngunit naiisip  ba na kung sakasakling ikaw naman ang malowbat. Malowbat dahil sa pagod ka na kaya ka bang irecharge ng cellphone para bumalik ang iyong sigla? Tandaan mo na hindi lahat kayang ibigay ng cellpnone o anumng uri ng gadget. Ang tunay na kaligayahan, tunay na pagmamahal at kalinga ay hindi maibibigay ng hawak mong cellphone.

Nakakalimutan mo na rin yata ang mga taong gusto kang maksama dahil sa tuloyan nang linamon ng sistema. Binulag at binilog na cellphone lang ang kailangan. Ngunit hindi, may mga mga taong gusto kang maksama, sabayan ang trip mo sa buhay hindi ang gadget na kasabayan lang online.

Ako oo inaamin ko nakakalimutan ko na ang oras nakakaligtaan ko ang mga dapat kung gawin dahil sa paggamit ng gadget. Pero sa paglipas ng araw napagtanto kung may mas mahalaga pa kaysa ang nakatutok sa gadget. Na may mga bagay na hihigit pa sa gadget na akalay di ka iiwan.

Pamilya, kaibigan yan ang mga taong hinding hindi ka iiwan. Ang mga taong alam kung makaksama ko online at offline.


Saturday, October 20, 2018

ICT Life at Second Quarter

Image result for INTERNET ACCESSInternet is connecting to the world. Communicating among one another here or abroad. This quarter we were taught about connecting to the world through the use of internet, everyone is aware of what is the use of internet but this time our knowledge about internet has gone deeper. New information on how to handle internet wisely, concepts about internet and mainly accessing unto the internet.

HTML tags were also discuss these second grading period. Handling HTML tags are somewhat difficult you have to be careful with every  symbol you would type an HTML tag should always use angle brackets, there are tags that needs to have an end tag with the use of a slash sign. We were also thought on to how to handle  html tags had experience on using these tags in the notepad, on how would we utilize these tags in order to get along on handle such files. 

Image result for html tagsMoving on I will treasure these new learnings that I might probably use in the near future and if I had a chance I would love to discover more about these tags and broaden my knowledge.My experience on handling tags were a tough one but in time i know that I would handle these tags easily.


World Aiming Rights And Dignity

       Unity is what the world need, it is the solution for the world's suffering.For the past years the world has been handling difficulty. Major problems our society is facing, the thing is we are not ready solve these problems, we are not yet fully equipped to deal with these problems.
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       Rights has been an issue today. A lot of issues related with rights has been discuss globally and until now there's still no effective solutions implemented. With these issues in our society, one root of all the problems is on how we rule the world. People are now competitive nowadays and that makes a large among us that we even degrade some people and not minding that we are now forgetting the rights of every human being. Most of us only thinks on what we can have and for that we can't even mind its effect on our community and realize what the world really needs. Everyone just thinks on what we can get but how about what we can give. What can we contribute to the world in order to lift up those rights that are being left out? We can't have the development that we want if we would continue inequality. The world needs unity and acceptance in order to achieve a better and peaceful life.

Solutions are countless, we just have to be one we have to connect with one another. Let us all get along and achieve a better world


Teachers Help For Success

Education is the key to success. How can we have education and attain success if weren't for our teachers. Teachers are the ones who molds and shape students. They taught us in every aspects of life not just learning academically but they also teach us in good character.

Every year we annually celebrate teacher's day to address their efforts and sacrifices, to thank them for all the learning they've taught. For guiding us and pointing on the right path and a better future. Our teachers assures in achieving our personal goal and reaching our aspiring dreams. Without them there wouldn't be success, no one will step on a stage receiving diplomas. Everybody should be thankful for their teachers who continuously open their hearts on teaching us just to give us the learning we need in life and would treasure in our entire life 

Our teachers are the most hardworking persons we've met in our lives. For all their sacrifices and perseverance just to look and taught after us and guide us to our own chosen paths. And in time that we reach our destination we could finally say that I'm taught with great deeds and intellect, Thank you teachers.

Skills and Potential Incorporates with Technology Creates New Diversity

 Image result for wavefront science month

In the 21st century technology has developed fast that you can't even notice its stages of. development. Technology during these days is highly use for every tasks we do that we even depend much, thinking that technology can do everything but the thing is , a years pass we haven't notice those major changes technology brought us.  Although technology is a great help, usage of technology isn't always a good thing. As a responsible citizen we should always be aware of what are the tings that takes place in our community, what are the things that constantly change the way of our living but is technology the best way of having a good quality of living. We should always balance everything.

        Technology is a product of human's intelligence to help and improve the quality of living but why is that technology is slowly swallowing our system, in what way? Today people depend on what technology could give,everything that we need technology would always be there. Advancement in technology is not bad but if it is too much it can destroy us. Technology had completely change the world. What should we do?  Of course we should know how to cope with these technology, working together with technology is better than technology working alone. We can always incorporate our skills and potential with the proper use of technology to make a good product. Activating our intellect on proper use of technology for a good development.
        A good combination of skills, intelligence and potentials in dealing with Technology is a great way on Advancing technology.


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Prepare for Cultivation

Image result for resilience quotes
             Everyone is at stake when we talk about disasters, no one can stop them even the powerful and rich among us. The only choice we have is to prepare, be ready of what might come. But what action or action is the most effective? How do we prepare in the best way? How do we resolve the effects of it ?

                  Our country has been facing a lot of problems including disasters and calamities for the past decades, but the question is how did  the Filipinos survives for decades? Filipinos are known to be helpful with one another, hardworking people despite all the challenges we face, we still manage to help other people  and show our biggest smiles. 
                     The government in our country had already done a lot of actions that could help us, actions that might risk lives just to cope with the countrymen of our nation, but all of these aren't enough nor sufficient for everybody. Each one of us must help and  take actions not just waiting for help. We should not be dependent with the government and organizations that are willing to lend a helping hand. Everyone is in need in these kind of crisis.And always remember that having the time to prepare is preparing for success. 


Tuesday, August 7, 2018


VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique
1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
Dr. Sugata Mitra
Hiwel hole-in-the-Wall Education Ltd.
Term weighing

2. What does NIIT stands for?
National Institute of Information Technology
Acronym and slang
 Phrase seraching
3. It was implemented at a slum area in New Delhi.
Delhi’s Slum-Dwellers: Deprivation, Preferences and Political Engagement among the Urban Poor
Abhijit Banerjee Rohini Pande Michael Walton October 2012
Phrase searching
4. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
Dr. Mitra's team carved a "hole in the wall". Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children.
Hiwel hole-in-the-Wall Education Ltd.
Phrase seraching
5. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
Through this hole, a freely accessible computer was put up for use. This computer proved to be an instant hit among the slum dwellers, especially the children. With no prior experience, the children learnt to use the computer on their own.
Hiwel hole-in-the-Wall Education Ltd
Phrase searching
6. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
local teachers and field observers noted that the children demonstrated improvements in enrollment, attendance and performance on school examinations, particularly in subjects that deal with computing skills; English vocabulary and usage; concentration, attention span and problem-solving skills; and working cooperatively and self-regulation.
The Hole in the Wall Project and the Power of Self-Organized Learning
E-book excerpt
February 3, 2012
Boolean Logic

Friday, August 3, 2018

Reflect on the Internet


              Learning is a continuous process, everyday we get to experience new moments that may teach us life lessons and could help us mold ourselves in becoming a total human being and be ready to face the real world.

      Through facing my every day I get to discover new things and probably new knowledge particularly in the subject I.C.T. which introduce on the real world of internet, how important internet is in  the 21st century and that internet is commonly use on communicating, on how to deal with internet and the world of social media where nothing is hidden,everything is shown to the public. Nowadays, most of the people entrust their life with internet. Some gets famous because of internet, some are benefited from it but some are being affected by its negative side. 

        Through the experiences on this subjects may lead to some of the downfalls, one is that I am a person who isn't active on social media, I'd like to keep my life private but when we got to learn about the internet nothing is take as a hidden.I am not used to browse or surf the internet every time, I only have it if its needed.  

        Welcoming myself on the world of internet and on social sites particularly on blogging made me a little nervous, just what I have said before I wanted everything to keep with myself and to have a peaceful life without any one bothering you but when the blogging was introduce to me I just realize these could also be a good thing. And once you enter onto something that is different of what you are used with, always be open minded and understand everything that takes place and always be careful on what you're posting,publishing on the internet.

       Moving on, I will challenge myself to keep on making improvements about m communication skills and probably I would have the courage enough to face the real world of the internet.        

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