Saturday, October 20, 2018

Skills and Potential Incorporates with Technology Creates New Diversity

 Image result for wavefront science month

In the 21st century technology has developed fast that you can't even notice its stages of. development. Technology during these days is highly use for every tasks we do that we even depend much, thinking that technology can do everything but the thing is , a years pass we haven't notice those major changes technology brought us.  Although technology is a great help, usage of technology isn't always a good thing. As a responsible citizen we should always be aware of what are the tings that takes place in our community, what are the things that constantly change the way of our living but is technology the best way of having a good quality of living. We should always balance everything.

        Technology is a product of human's intelligence to help and improve the quality of living but why is that technology is slowly swallowing our system, in what way? Today people depend on what technology could give,everything that we need technology would always be there. Advancement in technology is not bad but if it is too much it can destroy us. Technology had completely change the world. What should we do?  Of course we should know how to cope with these technology, working together with technology is better than technology working alone. We can always incorporate our skills and potential with the proper use of technology to make a good product. Activating our intellect on proper use of technology for a good development.
        A good combination of skills, intelligence and potentials in dealing with Technology is a great way on Advancing technology.


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