Friday, August 3, 2018

Reflect on the Internet


              Learning is a continuous process, everyday we get to experience new moments that may teach us life lessons and could help us mold ourselves in becoming a total human being and be ready to face the real world.

      Through facing my every day I get to discover new things and probably new knowledge particularly in the subject I.C.T. which introduce on the real world of internet, how important internet is in  the 21st century and that internet is commonly use on communicating, on how to deal with internet and the world of social media where nothing is hidden,everything is shown to the public. Nowadays, most of the people entrust their life with internet. Some gets famous because of internet, some are benefited from it but some are being affected by its negative side. 

        Through the experiences on this subjects may lead to some of the downfalls, one is that I am a person who isn't active on social media, I'd like to keep my life private but when we got to learn about the internet nothing is take as a hidden.I am not used to browse or surf the internet every time, I only have it if its needed.  

        Welcoming myself on the world of internet and on social sites particularly on blogging made me a little nervous, just what I have said before I wanted everything to keep with myself and to have a peaceful life without any one bothering you but when the blogging was introduce to me I just realize these could also be a good thing. And once you enter onto something that is different of what you are used with, always be open minded and understand everything that takes place and always be careful on what you're posting,publishing on the internet.

       Moving on, I will challenge myself to keep on making improvements about m communication skills and probably I would have the courage enough to face the real world of the internet.        

Image result for world of internet

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