Monday, December 24, 2018


Gender equality does not only talks about equilibrium and balance more it talks about rights of everybody. Opportunities are one we all have rights for all those opportunities it just only matter on which opportunity whom we choose at a given moment but these opportunities and chance are not limited to our gender, to the identy of every individual. Chances are for everybody not only a boy nor a girl but also for the new members in our society. Remeber that each one us are human we are all created by God and share the life we breath in. and upon creation we recieve different opportunities on different time and situations. No one should be left behind lets all get along and aim equality to achive the right rights for everyone.

Men and women are born to keep equality. No one is greater among the other and in order to achieve and keep equality is to keep the most treasured gift of their lives, to create and share the love and care, connect with and among people to influence and accepts one's differences. Together will end violence, and in time we would achieve a world created by unity of hearts, far from hatred

1 comment:

  1. You're right Jazer! No one should be greater to another and let us celebrate the rights and opportunities of us, the creation of God!
