Wednesday, August 1, 2018

SONA 2018: ''For The Greater Good Of The Filipino People''

                       Every year the President of the Republic of the Philippines is necessary to have the State of the Nation Address , which is held every month of July. The President is to present accomplishments within the previous years and plans or expected plans for the following years.

                 "About 2 years ago, I solemnly took my oath as a worker of the national gov't. I was inspired to institute real changes for the greater good of the Filipino people," President Duterte opened his speech. President Duterte made a promise to the countrymen of the Philippines to settle the problems of our country. He wanted to make innovations for the benefit of the country. Make changes.
                   Duterte said his concern is more on human lives and not human rights. "Illegal drugs wasted away lives, dysfunctionalized families and ruined relationship."This year's SONA was was a complete different from the past years, everything has ended well. But there is this one issue that have been discuss that really catches everyone's attention, he wanted to have a human life that is way different from human rights. Human rights just merely protects the person from any kind of violence, to address its rights as creature created by God while in Human life is to treasure ones life including of course the human rights but the thing is, it show the importance of life. Having a life a chance to have and experience the joy of life.

                        A lot of issues and problems had been discussed during his SONA starting from his major campaign the problem of illegal drugs,  he also address that corruption must stop and the different laws he approve and its effects on the development of our economy and his plan on changing our government onto Federalism.

                     For me, his way of handling or managing our country and the programs he implements are a good help in our country's development, it is just some of the people in the government are not productive enough and got a lot of conflicts among his people. But if all of the projects and programs are implemented and everyone will work together it could make great change for our nation


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