Saturday, March 9, 2019


      L earning is a continuous process and learning is part of being a student it is an  essential thing that makes a big change to every individual. We can't live a life we want to be without learning. Taking another journey takes a courage on learning

       A s I make a step of becoming a grade 10 student I am quite anxious of becoming one. Im afraid that a wouldn't make and meet what I expected to be. I wanted to be someone that I know that I am because I did and I think I am about to fulfill that idea and would no longer be just an idea but it is what it is. I can say that I have learned from my  downfall and learned from the people who taught me as I enter the life I have chose to be
        eeking and finding for the greatest learning I could get but my experiences are the best learning that I would have and best memories would keep on my life treasure box. Keeping them in a safe side as I keep  the persons I am with throughout my journey.
        T hen I am about to take another step but I will never forget the one who build me and  whom will build. I would be forever be greatful for what I have and for what was given. Treasure the life I have as a pay for the past and as gift gor my future.

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