Saturday, October 20, 2018

ICT Life at Second Quarter

Image result for INTERNET ACCESSInternet is connecting to the world. Communicating among one another here or abroad. This quarter we were taught about connecting to the world through the use of internet, everyone is aware of what is the use of internet but this time our knowledge about internet has gone deeper. New information on how to handle internet wisely, concepts about internet and mainly accessing unto the internet.

HTML tags were also discuss these second grading period. Handling HTML tags are somewhat difficult you have to be careful with every  symbol you would type an HTML tag should always use angle brackets, there are tags that needs to have an end tag with the use of a slash sign. We were also thought on to how to handle  html tags had experience on using these tags in the notepad, on how would we utilize these tags in order to get along on handle such files. 

Image result for html tagsMoving on I will treasure these new learnings that I might probably use in the near future and if I had a chance I would love to discover more about these tags and broaden my knowledge.My experience on handling tags were a tough one but in time i know that I would handle these tags easily.


World Aiming Rights And Dignity

       Unity is what the world need, it is the solution for the world's suffering.For the past years the world has been handling difficulty. Major problems our society is facing, the thing is we are not ready solve these problems, we are not yet fully equipped to deal with these problems.
Image result for rights and dignity

       Rights has been an issue today. A lot of issues related with rights has been discuss globally and until now there's still no effective solutions implemented. With these issues in our society, one root of all the problems is on how we rule the world. People are now competitive nowadays and that makes a large among us that we even degrade some people and not minding that we are now forgetting the rights of every human being. Most of us only thinks on what we can have and for that we can't even mind its effect on our community and realize what the world really needs. Everyone just thinks on what we can get but how about what we can give. What can we contribute to the world in order to lift up those rights that are being left out? We can't have the development that we want if we would continue inequality. The world needs unity and acceptance in order to achieve a better and peaceful life.

Solutions are countless, we just have to be one we have to connect with one another. Let us all get along and achieve a better world


Teachers Help For Success

Education is the key to success. How can we have education and attain success if weren't for our teachers. Teachers are the ones who molds and shape students. They taught us in every aspects of life not just learning academically but they also teach us in good character.

Every year we annually celebrate teacher's day to address their efforts and sacrifices, to thank them for all the learning they've taught. For guiding us and pointing on the right path and a better future. Our teachers assures in achieving our personal goal and reaching our aspiring dreams. Without them there wouldn't be success, no one will step on a stage receiving diplomas. Everybody should be thankful for their teachers who continuously open their hearts on teaching us just to give us the learning we need in life and would treasure in our entire life 

Our teachers are the most hardworking persons we've met in our lives. For all their sacrifices and perseverance just to look and taught after us and guide us to our own chosen paths. And in time that we reach our destination we could finally say that I'm taught with great deeds and intellect, Thank you teachers.

Skills and Potential Incorporates with Technology Creates New Diversity

 Image result for wavefront science month

In the 21st century technology has developed fast that you can't even notice its stages of. development. Technology during these days is highly use for every tasks we do that we even depend much, thinking that technology can do everything but the thing is , a years pass we haven't notice those major changes technology brought us.  Although technology is a great help, usage of technology isn't always a good thing. As a responsible citizen we should always be aware of what are the tings that takes place in our community, what are the things that constantly change the way of our living but is technology the best way of having a good quality of living. We should always balance everything.

        Technology is a product of human's intelligence to help and improve the quality of living but why is that technology is slowly swallowing our system, in what way? Today people depend on what technology could give,everything that we need technology would always be there. Advancement in technology is not bad but if it is too much it can destroy us. Technology had completely change the world. What should we do?  Of course we should know how to cope with these technology, working together with technology is better than technology working alone. We can always incorporate our skills and potential with the proper use of technology to make a good product. Activating our intellect on proper use of technology for a good development.
        A good combination of skills, intelligence and potentials in dealing with Technology is a great way on Advancing technology.
