Monday, January 7, 2019

3rd Quarter: Web Design

  The school year is about to end only one quarter left then we're about to bid our goodbye. But these third quarter is something that is quite interesting. A lot of new learnings were added on our wondering mind. New discoveries and knowledge feeded to add spice to our learning processes.

  These quarter we revolve on the world of Web designs. Using basic tags thought at  second quarter are applied and improve for an effective and creative way to alter those designs. Yes, somehow it is difficult but it is part of our learning not just on ICT but also learning for life. At first I wasn't able to understand its purpose but at end of the quarter I did able to understand its significance and I also enjoy the experience, applying all those basic tags and new tags thought during the quarter. Not everybody has the chance and is given an opportunity on having an ICT training that is highly needed by everyone, so I did take that chance well and maybe soon I could apply and make use of it as an essnetial learning. 

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