Friday, February 8, 2019

KANNAWIDAN FESTIVAL: Bring Back Its Old Memory
Image result for kannawidan festival meaning


Culture are the best treasure of every nation or a community from its superstitious beliefs, how locals dressed, songs or awiting bayan as what is called in the Philippines, local dialect and the food, locally made "kakanin" and "lutong bahay". 

        Philippines is known for its beautiful culture and its way of saving these treasured culture is to held different festivals in differing town and cities to showcase its culture. Ilocos Sur annually celebrate Kannawidan Festival which is held at end of January.  This festival celebrates the best of Ilocos Sur culture, from traditional dress and folk dance to tribal rituals and locally made food.It is a way of Ilocanos to promote its culture and tourism to the world and to help the local's on their livelihood. But the most important reason why Ilocanos continue to celebrate these festivals is to strengthen its bountiful culture to be passed on to the next generation of Ilocanos.


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Root of Change

Image result for change quotes
       Our society revolves around the world of change and they say change is constant nothing stay the same but where do change came from? Is it possible to stop change?

       Change comes from within which means that a majpr change would happen if small or bit of change takes place but where do these bits of change came from?  I think that changes comes feom each of every individual in our community. The cause of what is currently happening right now is us, simply because each ones of us contribute to change and that will contue cause each of us is influenced by change.

         Everyone contributes to change but what kind of change do we give to the world? Is it a change for the better or change for the worst? As a youth of these generation I think I have contributed for that bits of change but I realize that wahat should I give to rhe world is good and a graet revisions not the other way around.  I wanted to give something that wouldn't harm anyone and I think the best way to influence a good change is to take simple steps and as a youth dealing education is the best way to influence change a great way to start a good one and if people would have these mind set we would achieve a better world in no time.

A Gift From 2018

       Lets start with new beginnings and create a new memories to treasure and learning to allure. Its new year lets create a new bountiful version of ourselves.

Image result for fireworks      New Me? I don't think so. It should improved me.  2018 had bring a lot of treasured memories and learning to me last year has given me a big part of my life but 2018 came to an end and together we made a warm welcome to 2019.

       there wouldn't be me if it wasn't for the year 2018 and even those past years and these year I plan to make an improvement and upgrade a better version of myself.  Gaining new knowledge discovering new potentials to step up my personality.

       Taking another step from our lives is not easy we would meet a lot of barriers in the form of challenges, meeting different people in different time sharing life experiences. Watching them coming into our lives on our life story or leaving our sight which is a painful part. People passing knowing that they are only extras in our life drama but little did we know they have and hold a big role in our lives.

        I know that 2018 has already bid its goodbye but we will always carry its treasure in our hearts and in mind. And 2019 will bring something great for each one us.

