Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Reap on Agriculture

Image result for agriculture painting

                Planting got already a big part in our culture, it already started before our country got colonize. Nowadays, we make use of planting on making our life more productive. People depend on the gifts of agriculture, a major provider of food in the country. Through agriculture many got a good living. Planting is a benefit for everyone.

                   Many of the Filipinos are used in living with agriculture, because of its benefits. One is a source of income. Agriculture is a major money maker in the country. A large percentage of our country's income comes from agriculture specifically on planting crops. Money in farming, is very easy  you've just got to have the will on doing so, after a few months or so, money is in the hands. A farmers worked had paid off.

                    The  major source of food. In the country agriculture is one of the widest field. Every Filipino families serves food from the crops harvested around their area or even in their own yard and everyone can assure  that these products are good in the health. Everyone is encourage to get used on planting crops to lessen our consumption of products on demand in the market, in a way supply and demand wouldn't have a large difference. Agricultural products also have good quality in terms of nutrition value, through planting everyone gets to have a healthy lifestyle. Having our very own vegetable garden or fruit garden in our yard give us benefits in some ways, consumers get to decrease money consumed for food and the surety of the safety of our foods is in our hands. Nutrition are  harvested after seeding vegetable and fruit crops. If we got  a chance everyone is encourage to have their very own garden then nourishment be reaped.
                        Hence, planting is great advantage in every aspect. Everyone just got to allow themselves in planting and probably we will welcome its benefits on our health and the community.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Letter to the President

July 24, 2018

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Malacañang Palace
JP Laurel Street, San Miguel
Manila, 2005

Dear Mr. President

               A pleasant day to you Sir, hope you're having a good time at the Malacañang Palace. I wrote this letter to show my gratitude on making our country a good one and to clarify things out. Your projects have done a big part in the development of our country and, about your platforms on your campaign  which is the fight against illegal drug. I would like to congratulate you for the development. Although there are a lot of issues that had risen, you still manage to have the strength to perform your duties as the father of our beloved country.
          Since the day you've started your projects specially against illegal drugs or the Oplan Tohang, a lot of controversial issues have pop up and one of them are the extra judicial killings, I know that these killings are not a part of the plan nor the campaign but it is still connected to the whole campaign which led to the increasing number of crimes in the country. And the real question is how can you stop or lessen violence that is one root that stops the country from progress and development ? We can always encounter violence.Violence is everywhere. What actions can you make to lessen violence in the country?

                Above all you have contributed a great and that is what our nation is grateful for, and for having a strong base to settle every problems our country's facing. Congratulations in advance. Thank you again and God bless Sir.

                                                                                                                                  Respectfully Yours,
                                                                                                                                 Jazer Faye Tabisula

Thursday, July 12, 2018

I'm finally free, We're finally free

Image result for june 12 1898

Have you ever wonder why we celebrate Independence. why we have this so called Independence Day?

        Celebrating independence remembers the bravery of our heroes back then, starting from Lapu-Lapu whom was our first hero, Andres Bonifacio- who led the KKK a Philippine revolutionary society who bravely fought for our freedom and of course our National hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. the main purpose of our Independence Day celebrated yearly in the 12th day of June is to glorify their sacrifices, the devotion of our heroes to get our freedom from the hands of the Spaniards  who colonize us for three hundred years, from the hands of the ones who just made us slave or servants in our own country.
            But let us not forget that the true essence of celebrating independence of a certain country is to magnify our freedom from any war, from any conflagration, to get what everyone is dying to have, peace and order in the place we live in, in our home. It is a celebration of everyone's contribution to get what we right now and to continue to fight what is right and to commemorate that Filipinos are now little by little becoming one as a nation and a family. Despite all the challenges, problems that our country is facing right now, the fight in completely eliminating violence, the continuous crimes that our country's unsolved problem.
               Nowadays, what do we usually do when these days come, none right? We're just happy with the fact that there are no classes, there is no work. Some of us doesn't even know know what June 12 is. isn't it funny that we are not actually aware of what these celebrations are for. Every Filipino must show a sympathy on what our country is achieving right now.
               Having a chance to get the freedom on doing something is what we really want it is just so overwhelming, you can do what you want, nobody stops you. But let us always remember that having a chance on freedom comes with great responsibility and with that we can truly say that "I am free, We are now finally free".

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